Monday, November 25, 2019

Games Are Over or Why You Need To Complement Our Reality with You

Remember how recently young people drove virtual Pokemon in the yards? When Do Babies Pull Themselves Up to Sit Then augmented reality was just entering our daily lives. Games are over, now new technology can significantly improve the world around us. Epson specialists have compiled a list of areas where augmented reality plays an important role. You can trust the children, because they are leaders among the manufacturers of binocular video glasses of augmented reality.
Education Bd Shop
Thanks to augmented reality, the learning process becomes visual. AR-textbooks not only convey certain facts, but immerse a person in the past, revive chemical formulas or help learn a new language through animation.

Augmented reality is not universally applied, but it is expected that soon everything will change. Government agencies are already taking this useful novelty into service - for example, students at Quantorium children's technology parks are already mastering the development of augmented reality applications based on Epson Mover video glasses.
In this area, AR-technologies have long earned recognition - simulation programs allow medical students to gain the necessary skills, and existing surgeons to work out subtle, complex manipulations.
Surgeons of the Spanish clinics Gregorio Marion use a modified system based on augmented reality glasses. The results of studies, as well as supporting information: The medical histories, data from the patient’s monitor are displayed on the displays of transparent glasses. A video camera is built into the glasses, which records the operational process. The video can then be used for training or analysis.
Technical support
An accident or breakdown in a workplace can cause enormous losses, and a specialist with the necessary qualifications can be located thousands of kilometers from the scene. To solve these problems, large companies began to implement augmented reality.
For example, with any technical malfunctions a simple tunneling machine leads to enormous losses. Specialists of the German company VMT suggest using Epson Mover augmented reality smart glasses to provide round-the-clock technical support for employees located directly in the tunnel. Video from the built-in camera is transmitted to the main center, where technical experts sit, and they, in turn, send the necessary instructions and diagrams, which are displayed on the glasses display of the “field” employee.

The development of such solutions is not cheap, but the opportunity to correct inaccuracies in the project in the early stages is worth a lot.
Pilots of modern fighters are often forced to make quick decisions, so they use special helmets, where the picture of the real world is supplemented by instrument readings. High precision is needed in the production of such aircraft, because the cost of error is very high - starting with the life of a pilot and ending with financial costs of hundreds of millions of dollars.
The military-industrial corporation Lockheed Martin (USA), which manufactures aviation equipment, has introduced augmented reality glasses with a specially developed application into the arsenal of its engineers. With their help, the task of information support for specialists was simplified - during the assembly process, the technician sees on the screen data about where and how to connect the necessary part. In such conditions, it is extremely difficult to make a mistake, which is confirmed by monitoring. Thanks to this solution, workers spend 30% less time on tasks, and labor accuracy is up 96%.
Culture and art
Video guides with 3D images of long-lost exhibits and interior elements today are used by many museums in the world. They are also used in Russia, for example, in the Astrakhan Museum of Local Lore. In order to look at the reviving mammoth, the traditional Kazakh dance or the floating fleet of the times of Peter I, just put on the Epson Mover glasses provided by the museum.
And these are just a few areas where AR can bring tangible benefits. Every year, new technologies penetrate deeper and deeper into our lives, and what was fiction a couple of decades ago today seems almost commonplace.

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