Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Predicting the progress of metal fatigue and the time of failure, improving accuracy through simulation

Introduction of materials
Large-scale power generation facilities for reserve power for medical institutions and data centers must meet the power demand even if the power supply from the transmission network stops. Therefore, the generator device supplier needs to make a more accurate prediction of when the failure will occur.


The metal frame called “skid” with the components of the power generation equipment will cause metal fatigue due to engine vibration and eventually break down. The prediction method previously used by Cummings Power Systems, a US manufacturer of power generation equipment, was to use a model for structural analysis and perform measurements by experiments using an accelerometer. However, this method did not provide sufficient accuracy. Therefore, the company introduced simulation using structural analysis software. A simplified simulation model for structural analysis was created from the skid CAD shape data, and a more reliable method was obtained.

This document is an example of improving accuracy and shortening time for a long-standing issue of modeling the durability of a generator device by introducing structural analysis software and load measurement software.





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